Series Life of David

Life of David 137 sermons, preached 2010-2015

Interposition and biblical resistance to tyranny.

  • August 15, 2010

    The lineage of Davis is filled with many surprising people, and it's study brings us encouragement and teaches us of the importance of covenant succession in families.

  • August 29, 2010

    In 1 Samuel chapter 13 God had rejected Saul as king, and in chapter 16 David is anointed, yet Saul remains in authority for 40 years! Waiting for God to fix politics can feel agonizingly slow unless you look behind the scenes and realize God is always at work, using the very politics we hate to work for His good.

  • September 5, 2010

    Saul went from shy and timid to being suddenly gifted with the "Spirit of God" (1Sam. 11:6), and becoming a confident, decisive leader for twenty years (1Sam. 14:47–38). But all of this was lost as suddenly as it had been gained—the Spirit removed his gift. The Lord was with David, and Scripture also says He was with Saul — until "the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and a distressing spirit from the LORD troubled him." What does this tell us about the Holy Spirit? What is the difference between the anointing of the Spirit for ministry, vs the indwelling of the Spirit that begins at regeneration? Dr. Kayser explains how, though believers can never lose the Spirit's hold upon their lives for eternal salvation, they can lose the Holy Spirit's anointing and infilling and become so vulnerable to Satan that demons can mess around with their lives. In this sermon we follow Saul's trajectory of repeatedly grieving the Spirit, and what it did to him.

  • October 24, 2010
  • October 31, 2010

    This highly motivating and inspiring sermon explains why the doctrines of grace, election, and Jesus' lordship created the Protestant work ethic that transformed Europe. Dr. Kayser shows how Europe turned upside-down when the Reformers rediscovered what Scripture says about the dignity of labor, the valuation of time, the blessing of wealth, the power of family business, the freedom of children to find individual callings apart from the family business, the privilege of changing vocations, the nobility of every vocation, the importance of cultural engagement, the power of giving, and much more.

  • November 7, 2010

    What has robbed the church of a visionary faith? Why did David run towards the front lines of his culture wars instead of away from them? What is the difference between faith and presumption? How do we put off the lies of the Old Man that tend to eviscerate our faith? How do we develop the ability to see opportunity where others see only giants? These are a few of the questions that are answered by this sermon that examines the key components of the visionary faith of David.

  • November 14, 2010
  • November 21, 2010
  • January 9, 2011

    When God told Job to gird himself like a man, he was in effect telling him to take off his dress and act like a man. David showed himself to be a man's man in this battle, and in the process stands as a model for all time. Too many in the church have failed to be forceful, vehement, and manly in their spiritual warfare against the world, the flesh, and the devil. It is no wonder that they lack success. This sermon gives practical, powerful guidance for more consistently gaining victory in our spiritual battles.

  • January 16, 2011

    Studies have shown that success often becomes the occasion for moral failures and carelessness. But it need not be the case for Christians. In the process of giving sound advice on how to build on the successes that God brings into our lives, this sermon also gives practical advice on developing friendships, handling praise, dealing with idolatrous celebrity worship, and other issues.

  • February 6, 2011

    Some problems — in marriages, in churches, in politics, in friendships — are too irrational to explain humanly. Sometimes demons are the cause of the problems we face, and if we fight as if the problem is only in the flesh, we have a missed a critical battlefront. This sermon looks at Saul's irrational paranoia of David, and the evil spirit that fueled it. It shows how to recognize and resist temptations that come from demons rather than the flesh, and reminds us of God's promises as to why we need not fear Satan.

  • February 13, 2011

    The third battlefront that the Scripture calls us to engage is the "world." What exactly is that? How does the world impact us? Why are we so frequently blind to the way we have been conformed to the world? Saul and David give us insight into the constant tug that the world has upon our flesh, and how Satan uses the world to make us ineffective. It also explains why we so seldom get places when we argue with people without dealing with their presuppositions.

  • February 20, 2011

    This sermon gives us ten lessons on friendship that help to improve not only our horizontal relationships, but also our walk with God.

  • February 27, 2011

    The only way God can guarantee that all things work together for our good and for His glory is if His providence governs all things. This remarkable section of Scripture shows God's governance of all of the details of life. Not even the sins of demons and of men can thwart His purposes. If you need faith when life seems to be falling apart, this sermon may be helpful.

  • March 6, 2011

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem oblivious to the presence of sin in their lives? Have you ever wondered why others don't care that their sin guarantees ruin and disaster for them? Have you ever been amazed at the convoluted rationalizations that some people engage in? This sermon discusses the mystery of such self-deception and what we can do about it. It shows how all sin is self-destructive and all sin is irrational. It gives great reasons why we need to cling to God's grace every day.

  • March 13, 2011

    Dr. Samuel Johnson wisely said, "A man, sir, should keep his friendships in a state of constant repair." Too many times friendships break up when one person will hurt the feelings of another. This passage shows how the Gospel can keep our friendships strong and in a constant state of repair.

  • May 1, 2011

    Psalm 5 was written at the end of 1Samuel 20, and forms an important background for the actions of David in the later chapters of 1Samuel. David did not relish being forced into the role of a rebel. But neither was he willing to embrace a false peace. This Psalm gives the necessary ingredients for maintaining the careful balance needed when the state forces you into civil disobedience.

  • June 5, 2011

    What does Scripture say about surviving during times of emergency? How does God provide? What happens when the government confiscates the fundamental needs of people? What if they confiscate articles of self-defense? What kind of resistance to tyranny is allowable? What laws can be ignored? This sermon seeks to answer these and other questions that arise during difficult times.

  • June 12, 2011

    When times get tough for Christians, fleeing a state or country is one of the options that the Bible provides. But how can Christians do this without succumbing to ungodly fear? How can Christians do this without jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire? What does the Bible say about the subject of seeking asylum?

  • June 19, 2011

    Many people have at some point faced overwhelming feelings of loneliness and the crushing sense that no one cares about them. David faced those same feelings. How did he not only survive, but thrive? This sermon examines that question and five other practical issues as 1Samuel 22 is compared with three Psalms written during that period.

  • July 3, 2011

    Is America still the land of the free? This sermon and the next one provide a convenient set of principles by which any nation can be evaluated on this pressing question. Too many nations are headed down the path to tyranny that Saul was on. We need to pray that God's grace and His law would once again be restored as the foundations for liberty for our nation.

  • July 10, 2011

    Is America still the land of the free? The previous sermon and this one provide a convenient set of principles by which any nation can be evaluated on this pressing question. Too many nations are headed down the path to tyranny that Saul was on. We need to pray that God's grace and His law would once again be restored as the foundations for liberty for our nation.

  • July 31, 2011

    What do you do when regrets gnaw away inside of you and make you cringe? This sermon gives some practical steps on how to be forever rid of the debilitating feelings of regret that keep people from serving well.

  • August 7, 2011

    What are the limits of civil disobedience? This sermon seeks to give the Reformed answer to that question.

  • August 14, 2011

    Last week's sermon dealt with the limits of resistance to tyranny, which must be kept clearly in mind. This text goes verse by verse through this passage to illustrate what the law says about the practice of resistance. This is a key sermon dealing with various forms of interposition.

  • August 28, 2011

    What things must be in place if a church is to be an encouraging church? This sermon gives practical suggestions for perfecting the grace of encouragement.

  • September 4, 2011

    Betrayal is extremely painful. David felt the pain of betrayal keenly, but handled it without getting bitter. This sermon shows us how we can do the same.

  • September 11, 2011
  • September 25, 2011

    Why can't you just "Let conscience be your guide"? Some don't have any conscience issues over things that are clearly unscriptural, while others are tormented by an overly-sensitive conscience over things that the Bible gives liberty on. Consciences are useful if they have been regenerated, trained, sanctified by the Spirit, and fine-tuned to the front sights of the Scripture. But by themselves they are not a reliable guide. How do we keep our consciences from being either insensitive or legalistic? What is involved in retraining the conscience to function as God intended it to function? What bad things automatically happen when we fail to retrain the conscience? This sermon will show you.

  • October 9, 2011

    How much of our life will be burned up as hay, wood, and stubble at the Second Coming of Jesus? It all depends on whether we are pursuing God in everything we do (like David did) or pursuing everything in a way that turns our goals into dead dogs (like Saul did). This is a sermon about to exchange a life of vanity for a life of fulfillment.

  • October 16, 2011

    Last week's sermon dealt with the difference between pursuing God in everything and pursuing everything as a substitute for God. This fundamental difference between David and Saul can even be seen on so-called 'spiritual' issues such as worship, prayer, and the topic of this weeks sermon: repentance. 1 Samuel 24:16-22 goes to the heart of what constitutes genuine repentance and what is counterfeit repentance. It is designed to help us press into God's grace more deeply when we repent and when we grant forgiveness to others who repent.

  • November 20, 2011
  • December 4, 2011

    This sermon digs deep into what "going the extra mile" looks like in every area of life, and why it is that God prospers those who embrace this principle so much.

  • December 11, 2011

    Many people struggle with anger and do not understand why they cannot gain the victory over their tempers. This sermon seeks to understand how anger works and gives practical steps in sanctifying the emotion to the Lord. If you have ever struggled with anger, this is a sermon that must be listened to.

  • December 18, 2011

    When people are blind to their addictions, abusive behavior, or other destructive lifestyles, it is imperative that godly Christians engage in an intervention. But how should they do so? And how can they avoid crossing the line into meddling? What is a wife to do when it is her husband who is guilty of criminal behavior? This sermon gives detailed information on every facet of the difficult subject of interventions.

  • January 8, 2012

    Abigail was able to stop an angry army in its tracks because of her amazing peacemaking skills. This sermon will look at the characteristics of her peacemaking efforts and apply this wonderful grace to our own peacemaking.

  • January 15, 2012

    One of the challenges of the Christian life is learning how to graciously respond to rebuke. This passage gives ten practical guidelines to responding to rebuke in a God honoring way.

  • January 29, 2012

    Are our churches prepared to minister God's grace to new converts whose families are messed up? We live in a time when families have sometimes been irreparably harmed. They too need a sanctuary. Pastor Kayser gives us guidance that is so relevant to our times by examining the messed up families of Abigail and David.

  • February 5, 2012

    Lenin spoke of useful idiots who supported his cause even though he was their enemy. This sermon encourages us to not be useful idiots who blindly support a person, party, ideology, or movement. In the process of exposing the useful idiots of America, Pastor Kayser also gives us some new lessons on Biblical civics.

  • February 19, 2012

    Self-control Is a key component of godly leadership. Indeed, lack of self-control is one of the defining marks of many of the counterfeits of leadership qualifications. Even self-control can be counterfeited by our flesh. So it is very important that we understand what it means to put on this Spirit-given grace. It is one of the links in the chain of sanctification outlined in 2 Peter 1:5-8, and Peter says that we cannot prosper, be fruitful, and abound in our Christian walk without self-control.

  • February 26, 2012

    While Scripture says that we should ordinarily not rebuke a fool, since a fool is not interested in the truth or in holiness, there are exceptions to that rule that are laid out in the Scriptures. This passage illustrates one of those exceptions. The rebuke of a fool is useful when it brings warning to those who are witnesses. It can be a part of apologetics and being salt and light in culture. This passage helps us to do a better job at apologetics.

  • March 4, 2012

    Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, and a victim into a victory. Whether people have misinterpreted your actions and motives as being a mess, or whether they really are, this is a chapter that can be a great help to you. Though it contains controversial themes, it is a wonderful portion of God's Word that we can learn from.

  • March 11, 2012

    Life is never as neat and tidy as we might prefer. It is filled with disappointments, surprises, unexpected obstacles and opportunities. How we respond to such things often reveals the true character of our hearts. This sermon calls us to not be driven by the expectations of others, and shows us how to handle confusing circumstances with the faith of David.

  • March 18, 2012

    How did Israel's one-time model Christian king end up consulting a medium? Getting involved in the occult doesn't usually start with overt demonic activity — it almost always starts with something much tamer. We see this in Saul's downward slide toward the occult, which started when he first ignored inspired revelation and rebelled against God's clear command, to which God responded, "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" (1 Samuel 15:23). When Saul did not repent of his rebellion and stubbornness, he grieved the Holy Spirit (and thus no longer had the Holy Spirit's protection) and gave legal ground for a demonic spirit to regularly demonize him. (Numerous experts in the occult have said that this is almost always the first downward step into the occult.) This sermon helps to understand the demonic influence of the occult both inside and outside the church, and gives strategies for dealing with it. It also tackles the difficult questions surrounding Samuel's spirit talking to Saul after Samuel was dead.

  • March 25, 2012

    This sermon answers a number of perplexing questions, and in the process engages the hearer in an exercise with the Gospel. Did Samuel appears to Saul? Did his soul really exist in the heart of the earth? How do we reconcile this with Elijah's being caught up to heaven? Did Saul and Jonathan join Samuel in paradise? What evidence is there that Saul repented? How does the Gospel fit into this picture?

  • April 15, 2012

    Do you tend to look for the opportunities that God is strewing in your path and seize those by faith or do you tend to look at the obstacles Satan is throwing in your way and come up with reasons why it can't be done? This sermon is a challenge to look at all of life through the eyes of faith.

  • April 22, 2012

    One of the things that distinguished David as a godly leader was his ability to face a crisis without becoming a crisis. The principles learned in this passage are critical principles for any Christian to learn, but they are particularly important for leaders.

  • May 6, 2012

    This sermon examines the critical preconditions for endurance. While other factors are examined, it especially focuses on the role that hope plays in energizing people to endure. Of course, hope deals with eschatology. Paul said, "If we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance" (Rom. 8:25). Interestingly, this sermon not only analyzes an eschatology of hope for the world as a whole, but gives an eschatology of hope for our personal sanctification (Phil. 1:6), for providence (Rom. 8:28), for finances (Phil. 4:19), for covenant succession in our families (Acts 2:39), and for other areas of life. It is critical that we know how to build all the preconditions for endurance in our children, but giving them hope is of the utmost importance. But ultimately this sermon is a call to endure with the knowledge that we will reap a harvest if we do not lose heart and give up (Gal. 6:9). This is a much needed message for our day and age.

  • May 20, 2012

    This sermon gives a balanced look at what is involved in Christ-likeness. It is as radical a departure from postmodernism as one can get.

  • May 27, 2012
  • June 17, 2012

    Strong ambition is a distinguishing characteristic of leadership. But it can also be dangerous if it is not grace-driven, government by God's law, and focused on God's glory. This sermon is not only a call to have strong ambition to fulfill one's calling in a way that pleases God, but it also analyzes the ins and outs of what both humanistic ambition and godly ambition look like.

  • July 1, 2012

    This passage gives us detailed instruction on how we should honor soldiers who have died in the defense of their country.

  • July 8, 2012

    Developing a clear understanding of loyalty to God can help us navigate the treacherous waters of loyalty to man. But loyalty is a characteristic that Christians must put on if we are to imitate and glorify God.

  • July 22, 2012

    This sermon discusses ten underlying issues related to conflict. The more we can understand the dynamics of conflict, the better prepared we will be to be true peacemakers.

  • July 29, 2012
  • August 5, 2012

    You've heard the expression, "You can't change City Hall." It expresses a degree of discouragement about local politics. People are even more discouraged about the fact that we can't seem to change Washington, DC no matter which party controls the Executive and Legislative branches. Power politics seems to be the name of the game. This sermon not only examines the dynamics of power politics, but also what we as Christians should do about it.

  • August 12, 2012

    This sermon gives a Biblical philosophy of conspiracy theories. Using Psalm 2 as a theological foundation, and using 2 Samuel 3 as a historical backdrop, it analyses how conspiracies work and how God has routinely frustrated them over the past several thousand years. In the process it not only corrects mistaken ideas about history, politics, and worldview, but it also stirs up hope, faith, and action. If you have ever been tempted to think that conspiracies are invincible, this is a sermon for you. In the process you might realize that we Christians have unfortunately adopted some of the sinful methodologies spawned by conspiracy.

  • August 26, 2012

    What is a person to do when he is faced with two lousy choices in politics? How polite do we need to be with our political opponents? Is there a place for strong language in politics? What about displaying people's dirty laundry? How effective is public opinion in restraining tyrants? How can we take advantage of that? These and other issues are addressed in this encouraging sermon that gives reason to not give up even when change seems frustratingly impossible.

  • September 2, 2012

    The same principles that led to the French Revolution are principles that flow very naturally from our children's hearts and are constantly at work in church and in society – unless God's grace subdues them. This sermon examines ten revolutionary principles illustrated in 2 Samuel 4, and uses them to show the stark contrast between the American War for Independence and the French Revolution. It also shows how modern American politics resembles the evil French Revolution much more than it resembles the principles adopted by our founding fathers. But this sermon is a call for every area of life to put off revolution and to put on Reformation.

  • September 9, 2012

    When Jesus preached so much on politics and when so much of the Bible deals with the subject, it is surprising that so few American pastors are willing to preach on the topic. But this sermon tackles politics head on, using nine principles from 2 Samuel 5:1-5 to show how far America has drifted from its roots. If you want one sermon that gives civics in a nutshell, this sermon is it.

  • September 23, 2012

    This sermon tackles the marvelous theology of Zion. In the process it gives us lessons on the nature of the kingdom, the difference between faith and presumption, human inability, walking in the supernatural, the place of Jew and Gentile in the church, and the warning that Satan sows his seeds at the very time that we are having our greatest Gospel victories.

  • September 30, 2012

    This passage not only gives wonderful help for Christians in military service, but it also gives wonderful help for any Christian involved in spiritual warfare. These twelve Christian characteristics are foundations for successful battle.

  • December 2, 2012

    This chapter is a classic text on the Regulative Principle of Worship. But this sermon is anything but a simple rehash of the old arguments. It is a refreshing exposition of the sufficiency of Scripture for every portion of worship, whether that be the elements, the order, or even the circumstances of worship. There is no need to appeal to human wisdom, and there is no excuse for ignoring clear statements of Scripture as so many traditional Reformed churches have done. Whether you agree or disagree with his conclusions, you will find that he takes the Regulative Principle of Worship to its logical conclusion, even when that might be uncomfortable.

  • December 9, 2012

    This is a pivotal passage in understanding the practical character of covenant theology. Christ's grace and rule impacts every area of life.

  • December 16, 2012

    How do you handle dreams that have been dashed to the ground? While this is an amazing passage for teaching principles of prayer, it is also a passage that shows the specific character issues that need to be addressed to handle disappointments in a godly manner.

  • December 23, 2012

    Gypsie Smith said that he had never lost the wonder of his salvation. But that sense of wonder has been lost for many Christians. Familiarity breeds contempt. This third sermon on the Davidic Covenant is an attempt to reignite a sense of wonder and awe in God's people over who Jesus is and over God's story of salvation. It is a call to respond to God's covenant provisions with praise and adoration.

  • December 30, 2012

    This sermon uses David's reign to portray eight images of the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus.

  • January 13, 2013

    This sermon digs deeply into the covenant concept of God's chesed. Though the word has been variously translated as steadfast love, kindness, mercy, loyalty, and faithfulness, the rich meaning of the term is beautifully illustrated in the chesed that David showed toward Mephibosheth.

  • January 20, 2013
  • January 27, 2013
  • March 3, 2013
  • April 7, 2013

    It is a truism that males struggle with sexual temptations. This sermon seeks to give practical help for gaining the victory.

  • April 14, 2013

    Whereas the previous sermon addressed key issues facing men, this sermon addresses the unique sexual temptations of women. In the process it also boldly addresses issues of modesty, thought life, hedges, and the practical steps that should be taken to tuneup a marriage.

  • April 21, 2013

    When we expose our sin through Biblical confession, God brings incredible relief, joy, liberty, and peace. But when we cover our sin with the "fig leaves" of humanistic substitutes, we bring ourselves misery. When God guarantees that the consequences of hiding our sins are always greater than the consequences of confessing our sins, why is it that so frequently we desperately use every means at our disposal to hide? This sermon explores this strange phenomenon and applies it in various areas of life, including apologetics, child rearing, finances, discipline, and politics.

  • April 28, 2013

    This remarkable text, on God's response to David's sin with Bathsheba, cuts to the heart of the the controversies raging around legalism and antinomianism. It shows a picture of real grace contrasted with the gracelessness of both of those ditches. It shows many facets of God's love as a Father. And it answers critical questions — Does God get mad at His children? When God looks at us, does He only see Jesus? Should we "be OK with not being OK"? How proactive are we supposed to be in striving after righteousness? When does that become man-made or works-based righteousness? What about letting go and letting God?

  • May 5, 2013

    Though Scripture calls us to have a persevering love that "covers a multitude of sins," there are some sins that may not lawfully be covered over. This sermon gives hints from the text to show what situations would warrant a "Nathan moment" of confrontation, and then gives several principles that show the best way to engage a person in a "Nathan moment."

  • May 13, 2013

    This sermon explores the problem of pain, suffering, and death for infants. The sermon has a number of purposes, but one is to give help and hope to people who suffer from post-abortion trauma.

  • May 19, 2013

    It can be very discouraging when many of our prayers seem to go unanswered. Our unbelieving hearts easily latch onto these unanswered prayers as reasons to doubt God. This sermon shows the blessings of unanswered prayers.

  • May 26, 2013

    This sermon focuses upon the needless losses that we have when we fail to confess our sins.

  • June 2, 2013

    This passage shows the amazing way in which God's grace can make beauty out of our ugly stains of the past.

  • June 9, 2013

    This passage (and the Psalm written on this occasion) illustrate eleven more lessons on the military and war. Pastor Kayser shows how these principles were enshrined in our constitution, but are no longer being followed in America. He outlines the fascinating story of how the military and war have been consistently used down through history to erode liberty and to centralize government. It is critically important that every citizen once again understand these principles of civics.

  • September 22, 2013

    Bitterness is a destructive force. No Christian should allow it to grow in his heart. This is a sermon that not only dissects the characteristics and fruits of bitterness, but shows how to put it off.

  • September 29, 2013

    Due to technical difficulties the second half of this recording was lost. Sorry about the cliffhanger that will most likely never be concluded.

  • October 6, 2013

    People are often mystified by the politics, manipulation, undermining of authority, criticism, and endless fires that need to be put out in organizations. Though this sermon mainly applies the principles of the Absalom Syndrome to the church, you will immediately recognize the same principles at work in politics, military, business, and elsewhere. For those who are praying for revival and reformation in the church, it is important that they recognize and pray against the three main demonic spirits that are hindering that work: those behind Ahab, Jezebel, and Absalom. This sermon briefly discusses all three, but focuses upon those who undermine authority behind the scenes.

  • October 13, 2013

    This sermon continues to list characteristics of an Absalom and to make applications to modern family, business, church, and state.

  • October 20, 2013

    The Biblical concept of loyalty is summed up in the Hebrew words hemeth and chesed. Loyalty must be defined by the covenant and limited by the covenant or it can easily become an idolatrous loyalty. And since it is a covenant grace, it is not something that humans can produce in their own strength. It is supernatural. This sermon begins to look at several tests of the character of our loyalty. It is a radical call to step out of the ordinary and into the realm of the supernatural in all of our covenant relationships.

  • October 27, 2013

    This sermon continues to look at eight more tests of loyalty. It is a challenge to leaders and followers alike.

  • November 3, 2013

    This sermon describes the many faces of false loyalty. It can be manifested as false generosity and false compassion (for example socialism). It can give the impression of loyalty while destroying loyalty (Oliver Wendell Holmes book, The Common Law, is an example). It can destroy covenant relationships while giving the illusion of faithfulness (eg., no divorce, but no passion to fulfill the marriage vows). It can be blind to its own deceitfulness while accusing others of disloyalty. Once false loyalty is recognized in its many disguises, we can more effectively guard our hearts against it. This sermon is yet another call to God-centeredness in all our covenant relationships.

  • November 10, 2013

    The irrational rage between Shimei and Abishai and the great self-control exhibited by David (also exhibited in the Psalms written during this period) is the framework for a unique discussion of anger, lack of sportsmanship, lack of self-control, slander, cheating, unfair critiques, and other sins.

  • November 17, 2013

    This sermon explores the difference between legitimate escape and irresponsible escapism.

  • November 24, 2013

    In our culture wars it is easy to fall into the ditch of lawless revolutionaries on the one side or into the ditch of a passive slave-mentality on the other side. This sermon examines the difference between revolution and lawful resistance to tyranny.

  • December 1, 2013

    While this sermon does give an interesting discussion of two military strategies, most of is focus is on the relationship between wise planning and trust in providence.

  • December 15, 2013

    This sermon gives a clear understanding of what the Bible says about suicide. It also gives clear instructions on how to handle suicidal thoughts in yourself or in others.

  • January 5, 2014

    David had disappointments galore as he fled from Absalom. Most people would have focused on those crushing disappointments and been overwhelmed with sadness, but David mysteriously experienced joy and a "river" of God's pleasures while aggressively taking his disappointments to the God who cares. This sermon shows how we too can "rejoice in the Lord always" (even in the midst of numerous disappointments) without adopting an unrealistic Pollyanna Christianity.

  • January 12, 2014

    David's situation in 2 Samuel 17 seemed pretty hopeless, yet rather than throwing up his hands in despair, David turned to prayer, and having trusted the God for whom nothing is impossible, David committed himself to making a difference. Psalm 12 gives us similar lessons for faith, hope, and commitment to reverse the downward slide in America.

  • January 19, 2014

    Feelings of loneliness and isolation afflict some Christians more than others. And there are times when Christians truly do have everyone against them. Such pressures can make us lie awake at night or have other unhelpful reactions. This sermon probes the principles that enabled David to have a sound night's rest the night before a battle when he was vastly outnumbered.

  • January 26, 2014

    This sermon deals with the far reaching implications of a God-given inward call to duty. General Douglas MacArthur considered this to be one of the key foundations for Christian civilization. This sermon not only examines the disastrous consequences of failing to pass on to the next generation this sense of duty , but also illustrates the wonderful things that can flow from this grace.

  • February 2, 2014

    Pride is one of the worst enemies of our soul. This sermon examines the pride of Absalom and Joab and makes extensive application to individuals, families, and churches.

  • February 23, 2014
  • March 2, 2014

    Though Scripture teaches us how to weep for others (Lamentations) and shows the godly weeping of Jeremiah, Jesus, and others, it also makes clear that some weeping is ungodly. This sermon shows how to sanctify our emotions and specifically how to be sanctified in our weeping. Too many Christians fail to think about this subject and as a result sin against God and others with their tears.

  • March 9, 2014

    Christ died to reconcile sinners to God and to give the foundation for reconciliation in our human relationships. This sermon shows what frequently goes wrong in attempted reconciliations and specific steps to reconcile in a God-glorifying manner.

  • March 16, 2014

    There are many things that can make it difficult for us to be willing to repent of our sins and there are equally many things that can make it difficult to forgive. This sermon not only examines those difficulties, but in the process gives a theology of repentance and forgiveness and distinguishes it from worldly counterfeits.

  • March 23, 2014

    Jesus calls us to pursue reconciliation whether we are in the wrong or in the right. This passage illustrates how difficult that can be, and in the process introduces us to more principles of reconciliation. Each of these principles are also illustrated in Romans 12, a passage that calls us to step outside the realm of what is possible and into the realm of the supernatural. Ultimately reconciliation is God working through us the same grace that He gave to us.

  • March 30, 2014

    This sermon use the portrait of Barzillai to give a philosophy of aging. Key words: old, age, elderly, retire, risk, health, opportunities, time, limits, health, relationships, death, medical directive, legacy, friendship, balance, relaxation

  • April 6, 2014

    Even the best attempts at peacemaking can be ruined or undermined by others. This sermon deals with some of the most common obstructions to reconciliation and the peacemaking process and what can be done about them.

  • April 20, 2014

    This resurrection Psalm promises pleasures at God’s right hand in heaven, but it also promises that we can have joy in God’s presence even now on earth. This sermon seeks to show you how to learn to enjoy God in all circumstances - or as John Piper worded it, “How to Fight For Joy” when your joy is being robbed.

  • April 27, 2014

    In an age of culture wars, it is easy for those who are trying to resist ungodliness to get caught up in ungodly rebellions. Too frequently godly resistance to tyranny is lumped in with rebellion against tyranny, but the two are quite different. This passage gives ten telltale signs of rebellion that ought to be avoided by every Christian. Resistance yes, rebellion no.

  • May 4, 2014

    Rebellion always results in negative consequences. Understanding these disastrous consequences can be a strong motivator to put off our own rebellion and deal with the rebellion of others with Biblical principles.

  • May 11, 2014

    This portrait of the wise woman of Abel not only gives great insights into peacemaking, but is a corrective to hyper patriarchy and elevates the role of women.

  • May 18, 2014

    It is hard for us to fathom getting our nation back to the kind of limited government that it enjoyed for most of its first century, but this sermon seeks to show that it is not only possible but is also morally imperative. While examining the cabinet of David, the departments implied in that list, and comparing David’s executive branch with the agencies, boards, committees, and commissions under our current administration’s executive branch, this sermon seeks to give a Biblical philosophy of civics. In advocating the Regulative Principle of Government, this sermon stands on the shoulders of Augustine, the Puritans, the Scottish Reformers, Patrick Henry, and many others.

  • May 25, 2014

    This passage has a great deal to say about being promise keepers - on both the individual and the national level. The issues surrounding the broken treaty with the Gibeonites have many parallels with the issues surrounding America’s broken treaties with American Indian tribes.

  • June 8, 2014

    How does God want us to treat the bodies of those who are deceased? Is cremation ever an option? What about donating bodies to science? This sermon gives the historic understanding of burial and cremation and in the process addresses some other practical issues, such as how to relate to a relative who is either convicted as a criminal or is under church discipline.

  • June 15, 2014

    This sermon is a call for men to rise up and take on the giants of our day. Key words: enemy, persevere, culture wars, pacifism, weakness, prayerlessness, carnality, intimidating, giants,

  • September 14, 2014

    The Bible gives minimum requirements for imperfect rulers. This is contrasted with the minimum requirements that most Christians have. This sermon serves as a shocking paradigm for the 21rst Century.

  • September 28, 2014

    Though God does not expect everyone to be a hero warrior like David and his 36 leaders, there are principles of followership and leadership that can be learned from these amazing men.

  • October 6, 2014

    Much controversy surrounds the American Community Survey. This sermon gives a detailed analysis of what the Bible teaches on the subject of a census and demonstrates that the ACS is both unbiblical and unconstitutional. But more than that, this sermon shows why God treated even David’s more minimal census as a great evil that needed to be resisted. This passage adds to our general understanding of Biblical civics as calling for very limited government.

  • October 13, 2014

    How are Christians to react to plagues and other national disasters? This sermon gives concrete guidance.

  • October 26, 2014

    This passage shows how all of life (including politics) should be viewed through the lens of the Gospel and how the Gospel should impact everything that we do.

  • December 7, 2014

    This chapter gives twelve principles that can be of help to families as they seek to pass on a multi-generational legacy.

  • December 14, 2014

    Many people are perplexed at the casualness with which David embraced the unethical medical solution presented by his advisors in this passage. But this sermon demonstrates ways in which modern Christians are not that much different in how they handle modern ethical decisions in medicine.

  • January 4, 2015

    When both outward sins and inward root issues can be camouflaged and hidden, it makes it difficult to deal with sin in our children's lives. This sermon applies the issue of camouflaged sin to both personal sanctification and the discipleship of our children.

  • January 11, 2015

    Too frequently Christians become discouraged and even paralyzed when they see the extent to which humanists have taken over our country. This sermon is not only a realistic appraisal of the political dangers we face but also an encouragement to have faith and hope. It encourages us to approach conspiracies with the paradigm found in Psalm 2.

  • January 25, 2015

    Really? A sermon on administration for Sunday morning? Yes. This sermon shows that there are many fascinating issues buried in the text of 1 Chronicles 23-27 that are relevant to everyday issues.

  • February 8, 2015

    This last sermon on the military within the life of David ties in the theme of the military with the trajectory of eschatology in history.

  • February 15, 2015
  • March 1, 2015

    This sermon on stewardship looks into the heart of a transformed Christian through fifteen windows. It is a motivating call to be joyful stewards.

  • March 8, 2015

    It's not enough to begin the Christian life well; we must also end it well. But what does that mean? This sermon covers ten issues from the life of David that enabled God's evaluation to be, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

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"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

This website designed for Biblical Blueprints by Tobias Davis. Copyright 2023.